I am a bad cold person......

Yesterday was not a good day......when you try to upgrade your system from ME to XP and you have only had 1 cup of coffee and 2 pieces of toast at 5:30am, then don't blame others when you start having a low-blood sugar melt down at 1pm. Of course, driving through McDonalds to get a little something to get you going again as you are taking your computer over to Mr. Fix-it and having them mess up your order (1 hamburger, 1 sweet tea extra ice....what's to mess up you ask?) doesn't help matters.

Then at the end of the day, finally getting back online so that you can mail out a ton of ebay wins to people and you stop by Taco Bell (yes, it was a fast-food day) and they short you on your cinnamon twists and you have to go back to Taco Bell to correct said order (rolling on the floor with Goth Daughter over the cinnamon twists is not how I wanted to end the day). However, since I had already come home once and thrown (yes, thrown) the main part of the order into the house, she would have probably given them to me without a problem.

So this seems very fitting.....

Fit fit fits.
You will perish of fits. Repeat this to yourself:

"Things can work out even if I don't get

my way. Things can work out even...."

What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla

But with a dose of "night time cold relief" and a short day at work today, maybe my rapidly approaching cold will rapidly approach and slide right on by....sniff, sniff, blow.


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