More Homework


Still working with charcoal and light and dark values.  It has been interesting to ‘erase’ charcoal to get the light values and add more to get the darker values.  I did get some vine charcoal for this exercise.  It looks like a small vine turned into charcoal, but it gives me more flexibility than the sticks I think.

Here is the still life I set up.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Actually, I was pleased with the lighting on this picture itself.  Very dramatic and almost an Old Master’s look to it in my opinion.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA This is my sketch.  Not quite as dramatic, but adequate I think.  It does look better in person than in this picture.



  1. that is nice . Im glad you enjoy drawing .

  2. Did you see who won my Vintage Bookmark contest? You may want to check it out!! ;)


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