Seedy Saturday - "Macro" Tour of Oakdale Greenhouses

The way I come home from work, or just about anywhere, I have to make a U-turn to get to my street. It's a pain at times. 

However, it does mean I HAVE to make the turn right by Oakdale Greenhouses

On the other hand, if I am at home, I walk up two blocks and then one block to my left and there I am!

So absolutely NO excuse for some 'green therapy'.

I stopped in the other day and pulled out my new handy-dandy macro lens and strapped it onto my phone after I saw the succulents with their drops of water beading on their leaves.

I wanted to get a bit 'closer' to the subject.

Of course, nature delights me with all the mandalas and spirals produced. They come naturally to plants, much to my amazement.

Another thing I like about macrophotography is the ability to see the tiny 'hairs' on the edges of leaves. Something you don't easily see with the naked eye.

Of course, there are more colors than green and white.

It goes without saying it is highly possible (or probable) a plant or two have come home with me during these 'greenhouse therapy' stops. 


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