Week in Review - February 6 - 12, 2023

I am so glad I am living alone now. And not for the reasons you might think.

Right now, my house is just a giant sort-of greenhouse. I have a long table set up in the kitchen with the first round of seedlings on it. The kitchen table has plastic covering the top and seed starting mix, plus some odds and ends. In the room beneath the stairs, I have 3 72-count flats of seeds for round 2 of seed starting. 

In between?

My floors need mopping for where both the dogs (and I) have tracked in slightly muddy feet. 

The table behind me when I am at my desk - covered with all kinds of 'stuff'. A right mess!

In the yard I actually, finally, got the bulbs in the ground. These are the bulbs I 'rescued' from work and were sitting in a box outside on the porch (which is covered). They should have been planted in October or November. I have had to put some branches (small, thin ones) in the front of the bulb bed to keep the two large, 4-footed things out of it. I knew when I cut the branches earlier in the week I wanted to save them for something. However, I was thinking bush sweet peas, but this works too. 

I picked up fruit trees for the yard on Friday. 

There are no trees in my yard. There are a couple of stumps which are sending up branches (which is what I pruned off because I don't want them to regrow), but zero trees. I will have 6 trees in the yard now, all which are not only going to eventually produce a wonderful spring display of blossoms, but fruit to eat! Double duty!

And then I also picked up 23 strawberry plants.

These are Albion strawberries, an ever-bearing strawberry. So while I am not expecting much this spring despite the fact there are already some buds on a few of them, I am hoping for a few more later this summer.

Unfortunately, Lady K, who was supposed to be with us this weekend, wasn't. But it's ok. She had a field trip on Friday to Charleston with her class from school. Having ridden a bus from the Raleigh area with Savvy's class back in the day, I knew she would be exhausted when she got home. They were expecting a 7:30 p.m. arrival. Really too late for everyone to do what we would need to do to pick her up. Plus her step-sister had an archery tournament on Saturday and I'm sure she wanted to be there. And the weather was gross starting Saturday afternoon, so skipping this weekend made sense.

Another great thing - we hired 2 women to help out in cut fruit! Two ladies who are also over 60! I think we are going to be a dream team. This also will free me up to give some time to the rest of the produce department, helping out my manager, since we have lost a total of 3 people and no one is beating our doors down to work in produce (or much anywhere else). That being said, I got a nice little raise!

Also this week, there was a board meeting for the Rosemary and Thyme Herb Society. And BOY! Do I have a lot of computer work to do. I am starting to integrate a new website, Facebook and Instagram, along with creating a specific society email address. And then creating a manual so everyone on the board can access the sites and do what needs to be done. Plus, when the board changes it will be easy to remove the old and add the new people have access. Really pushing my computer skills, but loving it. Plus, Mr. Cobra is on hand to bounce ideas off of and to give some technical advice. After all, this is what he does every well for a career. 

And since I was setting up domain names and websites and all that lovely 'stuff', I decided on a couple of things on a personal level. My website is almost 20 years old! So there are some plans I have, mainly to more point me in the direction of writing more. So stay tuned!

This coming week...

  • LOTS of computer work
  • LOTS of planting outside
  • Herb Society meeting
  • Starting my Master Gardener class and certification
  • LOTS of house cleaning

And most of all?

More of streaming the Murdaugh Murder Trial! (Emily D. Baker on YouTube is the best!)



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