Food and Fiber Friday - Back on the Wagon!
I have been a very bad, bad girl over the past couple of months with my eating habits.
And I can tell with how I feel, both mentally and physically.
Of course, it's not going to help too much to try and watch my sugar intake when I will be making several dozen of several types of cookies next week. But that's the holidays for you. Besides, I find if I bake them, I don't eat them near as much! Guess I get tired of looking at them during the baking process.
But I am getting back on the meal planning bandwagon.
While I know, at 66, I will never be considered a 'lean, mean fighting machine', I do want to drop my age in pounds in 2024!
It is doable. Getting a bit more active, which will work well with the things I want to accomplish in my garden this year. Being more conscious of what I eat on a daily basis.
I also have to stop thinking about 'cooking for Foxy' and think only of myself. She is an adult, not a child, and is capable of fixing her own meals if she doesn't like what I want to eat.
Besides, being lighter will make it easier to fly around on my broom!
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