Writing Wednesday - Well, Sort of...
Not exactly a lot of writing being done.
And I REALLY NEED to get onto launching my planner.
However, my motivation is wavering and I know it is my inner critic in full force. So I am battling heat, humidity and myself!
But I am feeling positive and moving forward.
I have finished up the green notebook with my morning pages. Basically, it's my journaling first thing in the morning. I have also started some manifesting practices and doing an evening journal entry about that. So it is helping me move forward. And I have pulled another spiral notebook out of the stash to carry me forward the next few months.
The Tour de France has started! Huzzah!
Which is keeping me at my keyboard where I can watch/listen while doing the 'stuff' I need to be doing. Like the two booklets I need to set up for the herb society. And more blog posts - which I have been lax on recently.
So get ready to see more updates, more posts, more...well, just more!
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