Writing Wednesday - Planning

I am still in the 'planning' stages of my NaNoWriMo project for this year. I have to get a map of the property my characters live on in order to keep it straight in my mind. This piece of land and the buildings on it are central to the story and will be referred to several times during the course of the book(s).

My 'plan' is to get some of the technical things, like the map, character names (I need a list I can pull from while writing also), and at least a tentative outline.

What I need to do is to sit down and 'dump' everything out on paper as it has been floating around in my head for ages.

However, Texter and I had to make a trip to Lowe's for ant bait (we are in the process of being overtaken by ants, indoors and out) and I decided to stop by Oakdale Greenhouses for a bit of 'green therapy'. Texter loves it because they have tons of succulents and cactus. I love it because they have plants period.

As we were walking across the parking lot, one of the gentlemen who work there rushed up to us, going "I love your shirt!"

Texter was in her t-shirt she received from a friend with this emblazoned across the front...

The man works there part-time and is a graphic artist/web designer who works on the website for the nursery and uses a planner too. Like me, he believes you can't exist without one. Huzzah for those who love and use planners!

It has been satisfactory to put in a word count tracker for my daily word count, mark days I know I will not be able to write in November (Thanksgiving), and list dates where there will be NaNoWriMo meet-ups at various library branches. 

Part of my writing involves figuring out how to balance my work life and my creative life. Unfortunately, I have to prioritize work first. After all, I do like a roof over my head and food (and not necessarily in that order.) But I need to make room for writing - everything from my blog posts to my novel writing - as well as, my fiber and fabric creativity. My goal is to confine work to being Monday-Friday, leaving the weekend for full days of writing and creativity and play. 

However, since I don't exist in a vacuum, I have to take into account meals, school, errands and the like for two other people also. And chores! Thus, planning, at least for me, is essential. And fluid. I have learned shit happens and while I would like to have two hours of uninterrupted time to do whatever, it probably won't happen. But at least I am headed down the right road and I don't come to my desk and go 'what do I need to do now'?

For example, I have to stop now and walk Lady K down to the bus stop for her to catch to go to school. Then it's refilling my coffee mug and get in a couple of hours of work before I leave for an appointment.

Plan on!


  1. Your plan sounds perfect. Planning time for creativity is so important. I am thrilled you are doing the Nan

    What a great idea to plan out the time for creative activities! I think that is wonderful and love that you do NaNoWriMo. I have not done it other than posting a blog post every day a couple years in November . One day!


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