Writing Wednesday - Two Month Update
It's sad.
January started out with a bang. Almost 13,000 words written and some of that was actually on my novel. Then I hit my 'February/March' slump I have yearly, coupled with a snag in the novel.
From the first of February through today, I have only written a total of 3805 words. A third of what I wrote in January alone.
I am feeling like I am over my 'slump' and coupled with a couple of online writing groups, I just might schedule in writing time.
Like this morning. Two hours devoted to writing 'stuff', or plotting on the novel, while the rain is drizzling down outside.
Side note - my huge HVAC is right beside my bedroom window. My desk is by my bedroom window too. And with the window open for the cool, fresh air, I can hear the rain hitting the HVAC unit and it is so nice sounding. I really want a set of rain bells for my porch or yard. Actually, today is a perfect reading and writing day. I'm ignoring household chores.
Between a two hour online session this morning and one this evening, I hope to get some blog posts written and scheduled. I also plan on attempting to work out the 'snag' in Dragon Earth. I have decided it's not going to be a trilogy, but just one book. However, the problem is my chief character. Her storyline is a bit sparse. She is the glue holding the book together, but right now she is like a bottle of off-brand school glue and I need her to be SUPER GLUE!
So between the writing sessions on-line in conjunction with Heart Breathings and Camp NaNoWriMo starting in April, I am hoping to meet or exceed my January word count in the next few months.
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