Positive Focus Sunday - Week 8 - Abundance Growing

While the number of garden to-do's seems to keep multiplying, the garden itself seems to inspire this abundance. 

Flowers and herbs are coming into their own. Every day I go outside and more and more flowers are presenting a display which makes me want to do more. More planting, more looking, more lingering. 

The veggie garden has given its first harvest. Kale and lettuce with a bit of beet leaves and Swiss chard leaves for salad. The tomatoes planted back on 22 April are now putting on growth and starting to bloom. It makes it hard to contain my impatience for my own tomatoes. I planted another 26 tomatoes which are from NCTomatoMan and then on Friday, went back and got 35 more. 

Yes, that is a lot of tomatoes. I do can and give away to friends. And I have another outlet to give back to the community if I have excess. But one of my inspirations for the garden is the fact I will be growing tomatoes which are 'new' - not only to me, but to the market in general. And some of what I plant haven't even made it to the market at all. They may never get there. I will be one of a handful of people who will have seeds.

Yes, I have to 'plant' in my mind to save seeds this year. Seeds for everything I can. 

The Bok Choy I planted too late. It is bolting. Since I only had 3 planted, they aren't taking up much room. So I am letting them go to seed and will collect the seed for fall planting.

The original scheme I had in mind for the garden has been modified slightly. Some of it has to do with the ability to get water to the beds. Part of it is a time factor. I haven't had the time (or energy) to do with the garden what I actually want to do. But there is always next year. 

While I want to get my garden to a state where I am harvesting all year, I do realize (sort of) it will take time. Some of it has to do with the dollars to do what I want to do. A lot of it is physical energy and time. But it will come around in the end. 

There is nothing better, to me, than going out for a 'garden walk' at some point during the day. Usually it is first thing in the morning or before heading in at the end of the day. I love seeing how things, especially the vegetables, change every day. One day there is nothing, the next it's blooming and then a few days later it is time to harvest. 

Personally, I can't imagine anything better than this sense of abundance.



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