Positive Focus Sunday - Things Which Make Me Happy

This week, fall has been slowly creeping in. Most of the week has been overcast and rainy.

Well, the potential for rain was there, but my yard didn't get much of it. I was really looking forward to a nice rainy day at home, reading, and it didn't happen.

However, Texter and I went into work on Thursday (our day off) to do a bit of chopping and dicing to get the wall filled up, we saw the heron as we were leaving. It demanded a 'circle back around and park' in order to get out and take some pictures. 

He was so still he looked like a weather vane on top of the gazebo. Lovely!

And then comes my garden. My messy, sprawling garden. Which I plan to only get more messy and sprawling in the future.

The pineapple sage is blooming. And last week, with the gray, overcast days, it glowed in the garden.

But best of all...

Meet Domino!

Since Nutter moved to Mr. Cobra's house, where he can sit in a lap at the computer all day, I wanted 'my own' cat. And I found this kitten.

White, with black spots, I named him Domino. He is so tiny, especially compared to Slider. Slider is so good with him and allows Domino climb all over him. Loving the little bit of fluff who is not afraid of anything and is running around, exploring, like crazy.

Lily, the older fat cat, watches from a distance and scorns his arrival. And eats his food.

So three things which have sparked my pleasure this past week. Life is wonderful!


  1. What a great blog. Domino is adorable. Your life is charmed.


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