Foodie Friday - Now That I Am Retired
One of the better things about being retired is having more time, and the inclination, to do more cooking. While I am aiming for less-processed and more healthy eating. And while I was patting myself on the back for consuming less sugar, I just had to use up some of my sourdough discard, I made a chocolate cake with a ganache icing.
With the sourdough it has a bit of a 'bite' or tartness. And there is coffee in it, which gives it a mocha touch.
When using the sourdough starter for its original purpose, I have made about 4 loaves of bread over the past few weeks.
Two days ago I made a 'Honey White Sandwich loaf'. Actually two loaves. I think I am going to aim for making my own bread from now on.
In fact, I am interested in using the sourdough starter discard to make pasta. And since I have been getting raw milk and have made some butter, my next thing will be ricotta cheese. So either a calzone or lasagna noodles to use my ricotta and dough.
But also, along with retirement, comes the ability to make a nice breakfast.
This was a tasty apple Dutch Baby pancake and I had topped it with homemade whipped cream rather than any kind of syrup.
Also on my countertop is a 'ginger bug' brewing to make some ginger ale - water, sugar, and fresh ginger and nature does the rest. And an apple scrap vinegar is fermenting. Apples, sugar and water in a jar and bubbling along for a bit. Right now it smells more 'apple' and less vinegar. Apple Scrap Vinegar is supposed to be less tart than an apple cider vinegar. Only time with tell.
Oh, and a pint jar with strawberry vinegar brewing!
And with my veggies and fruits which will start coming in from my garden in the next couple of months, there should be more canning, preserving and 'good' eating in the works.
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