Never Too Old?
Back in 2019 or 2020 I bought some lotus seeds. I had this grand plan to have a small water garden and wanted to try growing lotus for the garden. I had moved in with Savvy and didn't have anywhere to bring them in for the winter. So the few I sprouted as a 'test' didn't make it.
So the seeds have been in with my ton of other seeds and pretty much forgotten.
Going through and (attempting to) organize my seed stash this winter, I came across them. They were light and didn't really think anything would happen if I tried to grow them.
I looked online (because that's what you do) and saw at least one article on 1000 year old seeds sprouting. Therefore, why not give it a try?
With lotus seeds you need to remove a bit of the coating in order for them to sprout in a reasonable amount of time. Sitting in front of the TV, I snipped one end off to expose the 'innards'. Then dumped them in a cup of water. I still wasn't holding out much hope as they were really dry and brittle.
About 4 days later, I checked as one of the looked a little different...
Yep! I have a lotus sprouting!
Plus, there is a second one which looks promising.
I might have another lotus which will sprout.
There is one seed which is a 'floater', so in theory, floaters usually don't sprout. With two seeds out of 10 looking sprouting, I am hoping the other seven sprout.
Of course, now I have to clean out and get the water container ready to go. I also want to look at check out a huge container under the house to see if it has holes in it or not.
Another 'task' goes on the to-do list for the garden this year.
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