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Week in Review - February 24 - March 2, 2025

First off, who moved my house shoes?  Sigh... You see, first thing in the morning it is still cold chilly and I need my house shoes.  I'm a 'barefoot' gal around the house, except for in the morning. Then I kick them off as I warm up. And that's the problem. I kick them off - anywhere. With doing some major 'let me move everything in the house around', 'anywhere' is a best guess at this time.  Anyway... The past week or so has been focused not only on house rearranging, but also sowing seeds, dividing house plants, Goodwill shopping and a wonderful road trip with a friend. Plus some meetings. Not only have I been in a seed sowing frenzy, but I have also fallen down the rabbit hole of filterless aquatic setups, along with studying up on hydroponics. Free styrofoam boxes from the fish store has given me the base for my hydroponics. And Goodwill yield some excellent containers to set up small filterless aquariums.  Two jars have been set up with plants and...

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