Pity Party

My pity party continues....some people celebrate New Year's Eve.  I, on the other hand, have been letting my lack of a hand, bother me more than I think it should.  So, since I can't do EXACTLY what I had planned, I am sitting in the corner, getting nothing (but laundry) accomplished.  And the stupid hand isn't cooperating...at all.  Yesterday, it was swelling up some and having spasms across the top of it.   

But I have to snap out of it.   If I continue to stick out my bottom lip, it will be covered in snow.  


  1. I hate my own pity parties , but sometimes think that it is quicker to give into self pity for a bit and get over it faster. Feel the frustration and wallow in it- set a time frame of longer than a minute. Then, shoulders back, head high and appreciate all of the things that you can- and do- accomplish! This too will pass!

  2. Aw, cheer up my dear. You take pretty photos, you wrote this, you are funny. I think it looks like "something" already. :-)


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