Week In Review - October 18 - 24
- Night at the Helena Symphony with a baby sitter for Lady K and drinks before the concert with Texter
Last night was special on a couple of different levels. First, Star Wars is one of Texter's favorites. And she played some of the music from the movie in middle school. So it was a trip down memory lane. It was also was the first time we had a 'real' baby sitter for Lady K. We stopped for a drink before the concert. Texter thought she was 'an adult' last night. The concert was great and it was a delightful night out. More nights like that to come. The symphony is doing Wizard of Oz - playing the movie and providing live music in November and then Christmas in the Cathedral in December, both of which I want to go to.
- 76,119 steps/34.92 miles for the week
- 2 books read
- 2 posts written
- NaNoWriMo prep started
- 40 yarn dolls made for library
- Lady K participated in the Teddy Bear Campout
- Menus planned and followed
- Some World of Warcraft played
- Created a tracking grid and using it to track various things (experiment to see if I want to include in my calendar/journal for next year)
- Led the non-fiction book group
- Received next book for review
For the week coming -
- More NaNo prep, both for myself and the Helena-area writers
- Halloween!
- Review of the month and looking forward for November goals
- Playing catch-up on 1930's Farmer's Wife QAL
- Texter registers for the spring semester
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