Writing Wednesday - More Progress on the 'Secret Project'

A week or so ago I realized I needed more 'desk' room. My little pull out tray on my desk just wasn't enough room to spread out and do the things I need to do on my 'secret project'. A bit of rearranging and I now have access to more space to lay out the papers and books and detritus of things I am working on. 

This new layout is particularly good for the research I am doing to write the copy for my project. I am also having to separate out all the 'things' I am in the works to keep them at least semi-organized. In doing so, my plan is to use up some of the spiral notebooks I have been hoarding. After all, one never knows when there might be a spiral notebook shortage. 

A bonus of this project is learning to use spreadsheets and Google docs more efficiently. It has come in handy especially since Savvy wanted to access my family cookbook recipes and I was able to share some large files with her with only a couple of minutes sending her a link to the files. 

Another fun aspect of this project (which is one of several that interlocks with the others) is a 'logo' for my rebranding.

I had some ideas on what I wanted as you can see. But I am not near talented enough to come up with a polished design. So what does one do?

You hire the artist you work with at your other job to create a finished design!

I feel so business-like hiring him to create my design. And I can't wait to see what he comes up with. And I can't wait to share it with everyone. 

Stay tuned for more updates on the 'secret project'. 



  1. Beth Ann Chiles9:29 AM

    That has me intrigued!


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