Writing Wednesday - 'Project' and Life

Progress is coming along on the 'project'. I have two more weeks left on my timeline to get everything finalized on the planner. Between the garden and the project, there isn't much time for much else. 

I got through making the pages for the planner. Now it's time to go through and insert some copy on the monthly pages and decorate some of the pages. Since today is a rainy, rainy day and I did something to my left shoulder, I will spend the day at the computer working on the planner. 

Of course, even when the planner is complete and I am awaiting my sample copy, there is a TON of other things I need to do in order to get ready to do a Kickstarter in order to raise the money to actually have the planner printed. 

Every time I think about the whole process I alternate between feeling positive and yet, at the same time, nervous it won't be funded. 

If nothing else, this has been an exciting process. While I had thought about printing my own planner in the past, I didn't realize all the steps needed and exactly what goes into making and publishing a planner. 

So wish me success and remind me to get up and walk around every hour while working today!



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