Orange Watermelon

I love the Farmer’s Market.  And every year there is always something I haven’t seen or tasted before.  This year it is a staple of our summer dining – watermelon – but with a twist.  An orange twist.

P8050002  Virtually seedless, this is probably the best watermelon I have had all year.  It is sweet and juicy and a delight.  Savvy scarfed down a bunch before she headed back to Arizona.  Hopefully, this next Friday I can go by the market and find another one. 


Ok, back to studying.  Texter is making hash browns for dinner.  Just hash browns.  But at least I don’t have to cook!



  1. I love the color but horribly allergic to watermelon and cannot eat it . But enjoy .

  2. UMMMMMMMM- I would be in heaven !


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