Twenty One Years Ago

This time 21 years ago I was a new mother.  I had never expected to have children.  But here I was, the first time I had ever spent Christmas away from my family, in the hospital, having given birth to my first daughter.

Luckily, despite me, she has grown up to be a fantastic person.  One of whom I am pleased to be around, even if she isn’t my daughter.


Savvy Pics (1) From a joyous child who loved, and still loves, to dress up and pretend.  DSC03860

To a young woman of many moods.




She is smart, talented, resourceful, witty….many things I don’t know how she came about having and being.


DSCN1954  And she has promised to take care of me during the coming Zombie Apocalypse.

Happy Birthday, sweetheart.



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