"Peony" in Progress

I am getting down to the end of cutting and sewing blocks on Peony/Mystery Quilt.  Hopefully today after work, I can finish all the pieces up and start assembling.

I have noticed it is actually coming together with a soft feel to it I was hoping for.  The Mystery quilt actually calls for more contrast between the fabrics.  But three of the four fabrics I have are pretty close in value, so no strong contrast.  The green gives it a punch.  So I feel, once put together, it will have that shabby-chic, mound of peonies look I am going for.  If I can get the blocks together tonight, then Wednesday, after the house inspection, I might actually get the top put together.

I already have my next 'project' in mind and it means pulling out something new rather than finishing up something I already have started.  CJ will be here soon and I haven't made a 'manly' quilt or, specifically, a quilt for CJ.  So I need to pull out the fabric from dress shirts I have and see what ideas I can come up with for the quilt I want to make for CJ.  Thinking a chevron pattern, but have to actually see how much fabric I acquired from the bag of dress shirts I got almost two years ago.  I have washed them and cut off collars and such, but not sure exactly what I have.  I can already see my pile becoming a play toy when I pull them out of the bin and Lady K 'helps'.


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