Fabric and Fiber Friday and a Finish (sort of)

It's bright! But I have another 'top' to a quilt done and in the pile to find a backing and finish up.

This is Poppy Mae by Robin Pickens for Moda and I fell in love with it the minute I saw it at Prickly Pear Quilts in January. Cold, grey January.

I bought a charm pack and the 'black poppy' fabric and came up with this design for the quilt top. A couple of trips back to pick up the fabric I used in the solid blocks and the sashing/borders and it went together. Making this top also highlighted the fact I want a design wall. A 'design floor' just isn't practical.

If you were to tell me orange, green and black would be a quilt I would make I would laugh. Orange-ish colors are not something I normally would select. But I love this quilt top! 

I am also proud my seams matched up really well (for once)! The top is about 74" square and will make a really nice quilt to wrap up in.

However, I have set it aside to make another Elizabeth Hartman Dog Pillow and a Cat Pillow for Texter's Capstone Project which is to raise food/money for the Lewis and Clark Humane Society. They will have a fundraising event and are looking for donations to raffle off.

And my Octopus hat needs some 'love' in the next couple of days....as it get it finished now!

Today is finish up on the dog pillow while making Irish soda bread and green cupcakes for Savvy for a "Rock Show" at work on Saturday. The Saturday I will be traveling down to Whitehall, Montana to Dysfunctional Quilter for their huge fabric sale. My last fabric play date before I have to knuckle down and start getting ready for the move.


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