Seedy Saturday - Garden Demons or I Am a Serial Killer!

Few things really bother me with the garden.

Blossom-end rot, ok.
Wilt, it happens.
Early blight (shrug)

F***ing Tomato Hornworms

They are demons of biblical proportions! And numbers!

One day, everything is fine and dandy and then the next...

You have a plant with bare branches!

All because of these green demons...

Elephants don't eat as much as these suckers do!

So what does any gardener do?

You come out 'worm hunting'.

I prefer a pair of scissors. And I snip them in half.

What I didn't know is my daughter who plays video games in which blood flows and gushes. Loves horror movies. Is TOTALLY freaked out by me hunting down and dispatching these green devils. 

When I asked why, she said they just 'gush' green when you cut them. And I didn't seem to have any remorse.

Nope, not a drop of remorse, the bastards!

Because they are so hard to see during the day (you basically look for bare branches and poop), in the dark with a black light, they glow.

That little 'glowy' spot is a worm.

This is what my daughter refers to "Mom, you're scaring me! Serial killers started this way! You are enjoying it wwwaaayyyyy to much!"



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