Wednesday Writing - Changes

Change is inevitable.

Change is like moving forward. Or sideways. Sometimes backward. But it is about moving and doing.

I decided several months ago Wednesday would be about my writing.  And it was. Sort of.

But over the course of the past few months, I realized I have been trying to do too much. I am scattered and not achieving any of the things I wanted and needed to achieve. I have been running in place, so to speak. But nothing was really getting to the spot I needed them to get to.

After spending several days (weeks it seems like) thinking about where I am and where I need to get to in my life, I found I needed to rein it in and to commit to one basic task, that being my finances.

Much hinges on me getting my monetary act together and pulling myself out of my hole. I can’t have three ‘goals’ to be working on. At least not for now with such a huge task in front of me - the one of becoming a homeowner and having actual savings.

That being said, I'll be writing more posts (hopefully). And I haven't forgotten when I want to head with my writing, but for now, it will be taking a backseat to my main focus. Until I get my finances in order and on my way to a new house, I can't think about writing or fabric/fiber projects.

So for May through August it will be work, work, work, save, save, save.


relaxing on the porch to destress and keeping the garden watered and weeded.

It also means that...

  • I will be working as many hours as possible this summer while Lady K is with Texter during the week.
  • Work to increase the number of hours on my work-from-home from 10 per week to 20 per week.
  • eBay as much as possible to bring in some extra dollars as well as decluttering the house
  • record EVERY penny spent and brought in
  • meal planning and grocery lists weekly

But it's not all work and no fun.

  • Keep up the garden in order to maximize my harvest
  • Study up on the best way to save herbs
  • Can tomatoes, make jam, utilize what I am growing
  • Work on the 3 needlework projects I have going during my 'down' time

I do want to plan at least one trip to the beach and another to the zoo in the next couple of months before it gets too hot.

I also have to be aware of my mental and physical health during this process. I plan to...

  • eat simple, but well
  • meatless meals during the summer (field peas, corn, tomatoes!)
  • take my vitamins
  • getting a good night's sleep

So why am I doing this?

  • I am tired of worrying about money
  • if I focus now, I can 'loosen up' later
  • a house of my own!


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