Writing Wednesday - NaNoWriMo

When all the pumpkin spice hits the fan (and doesn't it seem everything is pumpkin spice these days), you know it's THAT time of the year...

Yes, it's time to start prepping for, or at least thinking about, NaNoWriMo.

I actually know what I am going to be working on. I have had it on hold for a few months, letting it stew in my tiny brain.

But of course, I can't do this without throwing a kink in the plans. I have an idea for a second, non-fiction idea. So I may be forced to work on both of them together. The second idea would actually be more of a series of blog posts on one topic.


I will see how it goes as I work my way through prepping for this annual event. I will also be checking out fellow writers and probably attend an event or two.

So, hello Fall, hello NaNoWriMo and just say no to pumpkin spice!


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