Seedy Saturday - August 'Hump'

We have entered that period of time where plants are about fed up with long, hot days. And are looking more than a bit shabby. 

However, there are some bright spots in the garden.

My 'rescue' elephant ears and caladiums are starting to grow. Which is pretty amazing considering the condition they emerged from their packaging. It's a late start, but I think they will do fine and I can overwinter them in the garage.

'Michael' Meyer Lemon has about half a dozen lemons which are slowly starting to turn yellow. 

And he is also starting to put out a few new blooms. 'Michael Meyer' has also replaced most of the leaves he dropped during the winter and early spring, looking much, much better.

My three banana trees I repotted into one large pot. And the leaves which were torn up by the hail a week ago I removed. New leaves are popping out, so I think they are settling into their new home.

Right below the bananas are the two cana lilies I started from seed. I'll probably start additional ones in January so they will be ready for potting outside when the weather warms up. And below them, my passionflower vines are slowly growing. To their left, my plumeria has grown several inches and put out lots of leaves over the summer. I am so excited to see what happens next summer.

The mums which Lady K picked out last year, hung in through tons of neglect and is covered in buds.  My vanilla orchids, the 5 little cuttings I bought earlier in the year, are taking off. So much so, one cutting is now about 18 inches long. Another two are starting to take off. Two more are still sitting there. But I am really happy with the fact I have 3 'vines' doing well. Now I need to get about 9 more feet before it thinks about blooming!

Other things going on in the garden outside...

  • I cut back the pot of mint because it had gotten so shaggy
  • I cut off the seed pods from the different basils
  • I put the Dutchman's Pipe vines into a large pot
  • Divided and cut back the dumb cane and waiting to see if it takes off

Inside there is a bit of action also.

I picked up a marbled miniature rose. One went to Miss J for her birthday and I keep one. I also picked up two tiny peperomia plants - rippled and acorn.

Along with a silver pothos. The peperomia are upstairs with the Desert Rose and the pothos is on the window sill with my hoya and my new...

White Bird of Paradise!

My houseplant newbies, I am blaming on my enabler at Oakdale Greenhouses. I stop in on Saturday morning for a bit of plant therapy before work and he 'shows' me the new arrivals. Evil, evil man!

On the list of 'to-do's' is sorting out where I am going to put the plants when they have to come inside for the winter. But that's a couple of months away at the minimum!


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