Positive Focus Thursday - The 30-Day Money Cleanse

I have a shitty history with money. 

If there is an area in my life where I have made extremely poor choices, it's with money. 

There, I said it. It's like someone with a drug or alcohol problem admitting they have a problem.

So I have put myself on a 'rehab' course to move toward better financial habits.

One of the things I have been doing (besides recording every penny I spend), is to watch a couple of budget/debt channels on YouTube for inspiration. Stacey Flowers, Budget Girl and Shay Budgets keep me inspired to keep recording my expenses and to move forward in a positive manner.

And I have also been reading some books on managing finances. 

My latest is The 30-Day Money Cleanse by Ashely Feinstein Gerstley.

I love the quote which starts off Week One of the 'cleanse'.

"Instead of looking at the past, I put myself ahead twenty years and try to look at what I need to do now in order to get there then."             
 - Diana Ross
And I think this has been one of my problems in the past. I have been beating myself up for past issues, blaming myself, telling myself what a terrible person I am and not moving forward. 

The book is not the traditional 'budget your money' book, but more of a series of exercises to let you think about yourself and your relationship with money and how to change that relationship to the better to hit the goals you set for yourself. 

This outlook applies to many things in life. I also have issues with weight. And looking at it from the point of view much like Gerstley advocates in her book for money, I have started looking at my weight and overall health from that perspective - forward, not back.

It doesn't mean to just close my eyes and forget the past ever happened, but rather not to beat myself up over it. To acknowledge, 'yes, that's what I did then, but this is now'. And to go forward with the belief I will reach my desired outcome.

But one thing hasn't changed. Brussel sprouts stink! No matter how you fix them.


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