Week in Review - January 19 - 25


What a week and it's almost February already.

Once again, the weather has been all over the place. This week has been a bit more wintery, with overcast skies and drizzly rain. Enough so, the phone lines at work - which we were assured were working just fine and wouldn't flood out again - flooded out.


It has also been a week of losses.

Lady K came home from her dad's on Sunday with one of the top ones missing. Then on Saturday, pulled the other top tooth. Texter wanted her to have a school picture made with a 'gap-tooth smile'. 

Guess what! Class pictures are this coming week.

Monday, Lady K was out of school and we went to the movies together and saw 'Dr. Dolittle'. It was good. What I found was funny is the critics are panning the movie, mainly it seems, based on a scene where Dolittle pulls 'stuff' from the butt of a dragon. These same critics seem to think a movie with crotch grabbing, bathroom humor is Oscar worthy. Good thing I rarely pay attention to critics' reviews. 

As Lady K and I were walking through the mall to the theater, I saw some of these in the stores.

OMG! I had a white, turtleneck one in the early 70's. It was great with my hip hugger, bell bottom jeans.

Only problem is I am long waisted. Which means I had to 'hunch over' in the bodysuit, it being too short on me. I loved it because a regular shirt wouldn't stay tucked in, but it was uncomfortable to wear.

But it did take me back many, many decades.

Saturday, after work, I drove over to take Texter and Lady K to the store to get more paints for Lady K. Afterwards, I picked up some Chinese food and this was my fortune...

I'll take it gladly.

Otherwise this week...

  • Wrote 4 posts
  • Walked over 5000 steps 6 days
  • Finished 5 books
  • Started my list of people to write a letter to during InCoWriMo starting on 01 February

This coming week...

  • Overnighting with Lady K again. She'll take me coming over after work and then walking her to the bus stop in the morning.
  • Dropping her off at her dad's on Friday
  • Volunteering at the Queen City Brewers Festival on Saturday

But for now, off to open the store and get the end of the week paperwork done.


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