Writing Wednesday - Hello, 2020!

I am ready for a new year and a new decade!

So much changed over the past year.

I am now working full-time (again). And loving it. 

Well, for the most part. I do miss having more time for 'being creative', but I am loving the money more.


My kanban board is set up for the first quarter of 2020 (Q1). 

I did put the same task on the same sticky for some items just to save on post-it notes. I'll just mark off the month when completed.

My main planner is all set up and I moved over to it on Monday. Nothing like a new planner to start the year.

And my Weeks, which I carry with me, is in a nice cover from Cocoa Daisy. It was a freebie for subscribers, but I love the colors on it.

I started something different at the end of 2019 where I list my hours at work, along with Savvy's if I have them. 

This is my monthly view of January. 

One thing which is high on my list of 'to-do's' so far is to attempt for about the 10th time, to get someone at Adobe to tell me how to install my Photoshop on my new computer. The problem is, my copy is from 2012 and there is nothing on their site which goes back that far which I can find. But I will keep trying.

I also have a budget notebook, which would be very boring for anyone except me. I am looking forward to filling it out every month and watch the debt decrease and the savings increase.

But for now, it's a shower and off to work.


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