Writing Wednesday - Getting 'It' In Gear

Part of my Monday 'chores' was to go through and get my writing mojo turn on. 

I love watching Heart Breathings by Sarra Cannon on YouTube and purchased her HB90 2020 Goal Planner.  I started my kanban board based on her tutorials and the way she plans really makes my little Virgo soul happy.

The planner is set up by quarters (like the kanban board) and I will be focusing on my three goal areas - finances, writing, and personal/creative.

My financial 'stuff' is pretty well organized with The Budget Mom's 2020 Budget Workbook. Boy, do I love workbooks!

Since I got started on this a little late, I filled out my Week 3 tasks based on my goals planner.

One thing I realized while going through this process was that I needed to expand my sticky notes for my kanban board. I initially made one sticky note for a task, like 'Track Expenses' and put three boxes under it for January, February, and March. What I have found out is I do need to make it three different sticky notes so I can move one down each month. Just keeping it in the 'Working On' section of my board and crossing off the month wasn't motivating enough for me.

Anyway, back to the writing portion.

I had a lot of sticky notes already made up in November for NaNoWriMo which never got used. So I am using them for my tasks in 2020, adding and changing them up a bit where needed.

Please ignore the cords! I do need to tidy them up a bit.

However, that is the notebook I have created to date for Queen of the Middle Court book(s). It is now off the back of the shelf and out in view by my budget workbook. The little purple notebook is my current journal.

And while I didn't make it to the library branch where they have a monthly writers group this past Monday, I am going to try again in February. In the meantime, I am reviewing the outline and scenes written to date.

Now to put fingers to the keyboard and crank out content!


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