Tuesday Sundries - January 16

Tuesday Sundries will be a catch-all post. It will be those things which are going on in my life which don't fit into a specific topic for the rest of the week.

Top of the list is the cleaning, or 'reorganizing', as I like to call it.

This is my desk and sewing area. Texter did relocate my sewing table from the wall in the living room to the window area, beside my desk. I like the set-up as it makes an "L" out of my working area, where I spend most of my time.

One of the problems with my desk/sewing area is that it is out in the open. Which means EVERYONE drops EVERYTHING on them. I have to remind people I am not the depository for their crap.

And this is just the top of the desks. We won't talk about the 'organizing' I have going on under the desks.


And my desk and filing?

So it is a little bit more disciplined - at the present time. 

While I do dream of my own room where I can close the door and have my own sewing/office territory, there is a big benefit of being out in the open like this - Lady K.

You see, she also plays in the living room. And I get to listen to her 'stories' she concocts while she is playing with her Shopkins (anyone getting McDonalds' Happy Meals with the Shopkins can send them to us). Or singing and dancing to YouTube videos.

And speaking of YouTube videos, they are a big part of my crafting process. By that I mean I watch them while I sew or knit or crochet or...well, you get the idea.

Some of my favorite channels currently are...

And tons of others which pop-up on my feed with YouTube. For the most part I can listen with one ear, take occasional notes or move on to the next one in my 'Watch Later' list.

My latest 'binge' watching is "Grace and Frankie" on Netflix. Funny, but not comic funny. I am really enjoying it while I stitch and crochet. Of course, seeing Jane Fonda looking like a million is not always a good thing!

With both surfaces cleared off, I feel recharged and remotivated to get things finished up and on to the next project. Let's see how long they remain 'clean'!



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