Writing Wednesday - January 17

Wednesdays will be an update on what I am writing. Which will hopefully get me more motivated to actually put pen to paper, or fingers on the computer keyboard.

To that end, I am also keeping a log of weekly word count to help me stay on track.

But this post will be about the different planners and notebooks I am keeping this year.  I do have notebooks set up for about 3 different writing projects which I won't show. Mainly because I haven't taken a picture of them!

First and formost is my Hobonichi Cousin which is my daily, go-to planner. 

The above is what my 2017 Hobonichi Cousin looked like at the end of the year. My 2018 planner is already on it's way to the nice chunky, well-used state.

My second-in-command is my Hobonichi Techo, slightly smaller than the Cousin. I love its green goodness!

I use this one for tracking the two jobs I do from home. I track my daily times and notes on what I have do to for the jobs. Portable, it goes in the car with me to record what I need to record.

With this stack I have (from left to right), my 2018 journal, a notebook I keep beside me on the desk for making notes, and my Hobonichi Weeks for recording shopping lists and spending.

And to round out my Hobonichi orders this year is the new 5-year Techo.

This is a daily 5-year planner with two pages per day. It's enough room for me to write a note or two about what went on that day and to paste in a picture or ticket stub as a reminder. I got Texter one for Christmas. Now I want to make a cover for it rather than the canvas bag it currently is protected in.

Probably next in importance is this planner.

The binder on the left is my 'move' binder. I am throwing in 'to-do's' and lists, notes and reminders, all to do with the move back to North Carolina. I have broken things down by month so that I am (hopefully) not rushing at the last minute to get things done.

The pink ARC notebook holds paper where I make notes and plans. 

These two notebooks live on my sewing table. The top one is a list of the projects I am working on or have already completed. I write down the project, put in samples of the fabric or fibers, notes on progress and dates when I start and finish the project.

The composition notebook is my 'planning' book where I draw out sketches of what I want to do. I also have my Gypsy Wife pattern by Jen Kingwell peeking out because I really want to start it! 

I have two chunky notebooks in my pile. The purple one is my 'ideas' notebook. This is where I capture ideas for the home and garden and wish list items.

Nothing formal, this is where I paste and jot down items that catch my fancy.

The green notebook underneath is where I do my Morning Pages. Maybe. Not getting back into the groove of my morning pages.

There is also another journal(s) I want to set up, but haven't yet. I can't decide how I actually want my  'Spirit' journal to be set up. I want to record things on aromatherapy, crystals, plants and the like and how they fit into my life.

I know it seems like a lot of planner and notebooks for one person to use. But believe me I am definitely not 'over-doing-it' compared to some people out there. 

Oh, I didn't mention my Moleskine-like notebook on my World of Warcraft activities. I think that would be overkill!


  1. Wow. You are so organized! I need to take some pages out of your organization book!

  2. Those binders are pretty cool! I'm sure going to miss your Montana posts, though (nothing against NC!), because I love it so much. I guess I thought you'd be there longer.

    No matter where you're posting from, I'll still be following you!



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