Tuesday Sundries - January 30 - InCoWriMo

One more day and then "IT" starts!

What is "IT"?

Actually "IT" is International Correspondence Writing Month (InCoWriMo), where you write a letter a day for the month of February.

It doesn't have to be international or even someone you really know. It can be a letter to the editor or to your local congresswoman (or man).

There are several people who have some great ideas for letter writing if you don't know who or what you want to write.  Kara, at Boho Berry, is one of my favorites. She even has a great tracker you can download for help you plan out who you are going to write to.

While it is about 'letters', I am sure a postcard will count too! The goal is to write something and send it through the mail! I have done it in the past and really enjoy the whole process - both the writing and receiving.


Who wants a letter in February?


Letter Writer's Alliance


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