Seedy Saturday - It's Still Growing

I have been moaning and complaining - along with sweating - about the weather lately.  It's summer in the South, so I don't know what I am expecting.

Parts of my garden are over it. My two buckets with cucumbers have all dried up. My beans in the tub followed suit. 

However, while I have given up on summer, not everything in my yard is following suit.

The little Cypress Vine (Cardinal Flower) which I bought a couple of months ago and was only about 9 inches tall...

It's now all over everywhere. I can't wait until I can dig it up and move it to a 'forever home' and let it wind along a fence or trellis with several of its babies.

My hyacinth bean vine and the morning glories have been scrambling up a pole now for several months.

It is such a lovely combination I plan on recreating. I will attempt to dig up my hyacinth bean when I move.

And I am saving seeds from the morning glories as the pods dry.

My pitcher plants are doing well. But in one of the pots are these little 'spore' looking things.

Not sure what they are. I will wait and see what occurs.

My orchids seem to be doing well outside. I have to admit I have been neglecting them since they are outside and have plans to sit down in the shade one day and repot, checking them out to see what they need and how they are doing.

I still have some seedlings for perennials which need up-potting shortly. I also, this past week, potted the 'rescue' bulbs and tubers for some peonies, dahlias and elephant ears. Surprising, despite laying on the floor of the garage for a couple of months, they still had some shoots and I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Also in the front...

My tomatillos are being harvested. Salsa Verde for Savvy is just around the corner.

The potted plants have been moved to the back yard and onto the patio.

I got three banana plants and potted them up. They were dug up out of a yard (and yes, the owner knew about it!) I am hoping they perk up soon.

The Balloon Milkweed (or my Green Hairy Balls as I like to call it) is blooming.

The flowers are lovely, but I am really looking forward to seeing the balloons emerging.

In my pumpkin patch (which looks a bit sad these days)...

I have about a half dozen little pumpkins turning orange - way sooner than I thought they would ripen like this. I will have to check into canning pumpkin for later use.

There are also some lovely flowers blooming in pots.

After the first bloom on the cleome, it branched off and have several side shoots. And those little 'whiskers' shooting out from the flower are filled with seeds and I am clipping them off and saving seeds.

And I love this shaggy marigold. It is about 2 feet tall and I can't wait to grow more of them in the future.

And my blanket flowers are glowing. I am loving them and envision a bed with the marigolds and blanket flowers growing in a riot of warm colors.

So, my mornings start with watering my pots of plants and my evening ends with watering them again. But it is a meditative practice I really enjoy. 

It's the steamy heat I don't enjoy. 


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