Whatever Thursday - Following Up On 'Encyclopedia of Me'
I started this website back on January 1, 2005. Which means I am into my 16th year of writing bits and snips of my life here.
I am crap about following up on some of the things I started writing about.
One of those things I started in 2007 was based on posts by Bella Dia called 'Encyclopedia of Me' based on Amy Krouse's book, Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life.
Basically, using the letters of the alphabet, you write something about your life.
Over the span of a month I wrote three posts. A-B-C, D-E-F and G-H-I are here, all the way back in 2007.
I have decided to go back and 'mine' some of the things I started and left unfinished - the Encyclopedia of Me being the first one.
I am crap about following up on some of the things I started writing about.
One of those things I started in 2007 was based on posts by Bella Dia called 'Encyclopedia of Me' based on Amy Krouse's book, Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life.
Over the span of a month I wrote three posts. A-B-C, D-E-F and G-H-I are here, all the way back in 2007.
I have decided to go back and 'mine' some of the things I started and left unfinished - the Encyclopedia of Me being the first one.
Thursdays, for the next few weeks, will be following up on this theme, starting with the letter...
We moved from Tennessee to Texas just as I was turning 9 in 1966. The house we lived in for my 4th grade year was at the top of a little cul de sac (Wren Circle). On one corner lived a boy my age. Unfortunately for him, his parents were older and he dressed in slacks and a dress shirt rather than jeans and t-shirts. If I remember correctly (which I probably don't), I think they were immigrants from somewhere. I seem to vaguely remember an accent when they spoke which wasn't 'Texan'.
Their back yard was surrounded by a 6 foot chain length fence which was woven with plastic strips. You couldn't see into their back yard.
Their mystical, magical back yard.
Entering the back yard was enchanting - my first experience with a 'Secret Garden'.
Bamboo soared overhead. Narrow gravel paths, just enough for one person to walk through, cut through a massive grove of bamboo. Sounds from outside of the garden ceased to be heard. All you could see and hear were the leaves of bamboo.
It was especially delightful on the rare occasions we could enter and play. The bamboo garden was such a departure from everything I had ever seen and thrilled me with its lushness. I think my desire to have a garden which could envelop me started here.
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